Meet The Team


Co-Owner And Lead Investigator

Rob is a founding member and co- owner of Circle of Friends Paranormal. He has been investigating for approx 8 years and takes an active role as a Lead Investigator. Rob likes to use both traditional and more scientific approaches to his sessions. Rob takes an active role with the advertising and marketing side of the business and also keeps our page active with interesting facts.


Co-Owner and Lead Investigator

Jo is a founding member and a co-owner of Circle of Friends Paranormal. She has been interested in the paranormal for many years, and has been actively investigating for approx 8 years.
As well as being the “voice behind the camera” on lives, Jo is the backbone of the business, leading on location liaison, accounts, customer liaison and all COF admin. She is the front face at events, welcoming guests and is also a Lead Investigator on events.



Sarah has been interested in the paranormal from a very early age, after experiencing things she couldn’t explain.
Most memorably, a black shadow figure walking from one side of the landing to the other, when she was the only person in the house at the time.
Sarah prefers traditional equipment, but you will find her taking photos throughout the night.



Jayne has been interested in the paranormal for as long as she can remember and has been able to see some spirits from a young age as well as being able to sense their presence. Using these skills, she is now further developing her gift of being a spiritual artist and aiming to draw the visions presented to her. Jayne brings a different aspect to the team and we look forward to seeing more of her work and drawings.



Phil has been interested in the paranormal for the last 10 years, and is an avid investigator. He is the sceptic of the team, always looking for more information and a way to explain happenings. He has a passion for buildings, locations and the history associated with them.



Bobbi is one of the brand new member of our team for 2024.

She has been interested in the paranormal for as long as she can remember.
She lived for a short time in a very active council house and had many unexplained experiences since then.
Spirits at train stations seem to make themselves known for some reason.

Bobbi likes to see traditional methods in investigations, validated by modern technology.
Always eager to see what techniques, tools are out there and give them a try.


Team Medium

Josie has been interested in the paranormal since seeing her first spirit at the age of 5.
She has developed her skills over many years with the prime goal of proving spiritual existence.
She brings to the table a wealth of experience with crystals, mediumistic skills and wicca practices.
Josie has been an active and passionate investigator for more years than we are allowed to say working to bring forward positive energy and ensure the safety of those who investigate alongside her.


Team Medium – CoF Webmaster

Scooby has been a working spirit / rescue medium, working with teams up and down the country for the past 15 years. He specialises in dealing with dark / negative energies and uses these skills to help keep the team and guests safe.
He built and maintains the Circle of Friends website.
He is also a Reiki Master / Teacher and has been teaching reiki for the past 10 years.
As well as that, he is the founder of Ghost Hunting Tech and designs and makes all his own paranormal investigating equipment, and also a lot of equipment for the team.


Investigator and Historian

Natalie is also one of the brand new members of our team for 2024.
Here is a little bit about her in her own words.

You could always say that I’ve had an interest in ‘The Paranormal’.
It was something my dad always lived with and around and I always found the stories he told fascinating, especially given where they lived in Great Yarmouth, fast forward to now. Having recently being on a couple of investigations my interest in all things paranormal became real having been asked to leave a gift at a venue for a young entity, I introduced myself to the young spirit before leaving a child’s dress up bracelet and a sweetie, where no one else would know where it would be, I left for the night and returned the next day to find in its place a screw and a piece of plastic!

I’d like to think that I’m a bit of a budding empath, and hope that the experiences I have had so far are the beginning of ‘something’ not quite sure what but I’m ready to prove the sceptic side of me wrong, and prove that not every investigation is like those (and you know which ones I mean) you have seen on the TV!

Want to join the team?

We are looking for ambitious, enthusiastic and proactive people to join our team. If this sounds like you, drop us a line with what you can bring to our company that sets you apart from anyone else.