Strelley Hall – Nottingham
30th Nov 2024


21:00 – 02:30

👻👻Dating back as far as the Saxon era, this fabulous building has had a lot of heavy modifications done in its time. In fact it is believed that it was originally built out of wood, and on stilts. It has however, managed to incorporate a medieval tower into its construction, resulting in what we know as castle room, castle bedroom and a medieval cellar.

The dungeon is an interesting place too, infact if you were caught doing a bit of poaching during the Georgian era, this is where you would probably end up.
That’s not all though, since being witness to a massacre there in the 13th century, footsteps and wails of pain have been heard when nobody there, as well as poltergeist activity too.
Let’s not forget though the many apparitions dressed in period clothing and the dark figure that has been seen wandering the ground


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